播种希望 静待花开
Sowing the Seeds of Hope, Waiting for the Flowers to Bloom
在你的心目中,集会是什么样的?是传统的老师在台上声色俱厉得讲,学生在台下鸦雀无声的听?在美视PYP英文班,我们的集会可完全是另外一种天地呢?!In your mind, what is an assembly like? Is the traditional scene that a teacher speaks on stage in serious voice and expressions and students listen in silence? At Meishi PYPE, the assemblies are totally different!

看,这是1,2年级的集会现场,主题是善良和关爱. Michelle,Tina和Sara老师分别用故事,视频和案例讨论的方式给学生们展示了什么是善良,为什么善良很重要和如何关爱别人和自己。看,我们的低年级小朋友听的多么认真,回答问题多么踊跃啊!
Look, this is the live assembly of grade 1 and grade 2, which focused on kindness and caring. Ms. Michelle, Tina and Sara elaborated to the students what kindness was, why kindness was important and how to care for others and oneself. They told a story, showed a video and led a discussion. Look, how attentively our lower graders listened and how enthusiastically they answered questions!
而在三四五年级,Nancy, Aaron 和Odie老师分别给学生主讲了尊重,关爱和善于沟通三个培养目标。老师们或用大字海报,或用英文歌曲和访谈,或用游戏给孩子们生动的展示了这三个主题。当然我们的集会不止于于老师来主持,而是给三,四,五年级的孩子自己主持和展现的舞台。这不,三年级的孩子在自己主持的集会中,表演了歌曲respect;四年级的孩子则展示了自己录制的关爱视频和小组创意漫画;五年级的孩子们分组为三四年级设计了不同的游戏:边听边画;带着眼罩听指令找球;抢答绕口令…… 在欢声笑语中孩子们学会了认真倾听是一个好的沟通的开始。
During the assemblies for grades three, four and five, Ms. Nancy, Mr. Aaron and Mr. Odie focused on three attributes: respect, caring and communication. They used posters, English songs and interviews, or games to vividly show the three themes. Of course, our assemblies were not just hosted by teachers but also for the third, fourth and fifth graders to host and show on the stage. Look, the third graders performed the song “Respect”; the fourth graders shared teamwork comics and a video directed and played by themselves; the fifth graders designed games for the 3rd and 4th graders to play: Listen and draw; Wear an eye patch to listen and find the ball; Listen and press the bell to imitate the tongue twisters… In joy and laughter, the children learned that being a good listener is the first step of being a good communicator.
Moral education in the form of IB learner profile is not achieved overnight. In the consecutive assemblies at PYPE this semester, we have been witnessing the growth and progress little by little of the students. By awarding students with Certificates of Kindness, Respect and Communication, the learning community hopes that these role models can produce a butterfly effect and keep the learning community active and positive. Character building is like waiting for a flower to bloom. And we are sowing the seeds of hope. Although a child's florescence is different, we have full conviction that there will always be a time in full bloom for each one.
文/PYPE 姚婧秋