张校长首先热烈地欢迎前来的家长,对于他们选择了美视,选择了PYP英文部表示衷心的感谢。其次,他提出了本学年的学校的目标:建立专业的学术管理团队和和谐的社区。最后他提到本学年PYP英文部新的变化:使用新的教学资源、增加了很多校园活动如文化周,阅读周,音乐艺术节等。紧接着Mr. Tim介绍了本学年的课程大纲,他详细说明了十大培养目标、ATL、六大超学科主题、探究线索、课程评估等概念,并指出教学最终要落实在行动上。最后,Ms. Sara总结了上一学年学校如何利用学习社区的资源开展活动,并且欢迎家长加入到学习社区,为美视学子提供更多的学习资源,在此过程中她强调了IB学习社区的终极目标是培养学习者的终身学习理念。
Mr. Zhang first warmly welcomed the parents and expressed his heartfelt thanks for choosing Meishi PYPE. He proposed the school's goal for this academic year was to establish a professional academic leadership team and a harmonious learning community. He also mentioned the new changes in PYPE this academic year: the use of new teaching resources and the addition of campus activities, such as spirit week,book week, music and art festival. And then Mr. Tim introduced the curriculum of this academic year. He explained in detail the IB learner profile, ATL, six transdisciplinary themes, lines of inquiry, assessment, and pointed out that teaching should be implemented in action. At last, Ms. Sara summarized how PYPE used the resources of the learning community to carry out activities in the last academic year, and welcomed parents to join the learning community to provide more learning resources for the students of Meishi PYPE. She emphasized the ultimate goal of PYPE learning community is to nurture the lifelong learning skills for its learners.