
时间: 2014年03月24日 来源: UEI中美英才班 作者: 美视学校

       2014年3月20日下午,国际遗产中心的副董事Mary Helming女士与董事执行顾问Joseph Robinson先生来访UEI行政办公室,与学术主任Eric Danielson先生,大学申请部主任Zoe Zheng和她的团队进行了会晤。Joseph Robinson先生首先分享了他在中国的工作生活经历。接着,Mary Helming女士介绍了国际遗产中心的历史、学生资源、安全问题、课程以及一些毕业生等方面的情况。随后,UEI的学术主任Eric Danielson先生向对方介绍了UEI 中美英才班的课程、教学目标以及七位首届高三毕业生。同时谈到UEI已经举办过的一些夏令营。最后,两位到访者衷心感谢了UEI的热情接待,表达了希望与UEI合作的愿望。

March 20th, 2014. In the afternoon, Legacy International Vice President Ms. Mary Helming, and Executive Consultant to the President Mr. Joseph Robinson came to visit UEI. They met with UEI Academic Director Mr. Eric Danielson, University Application Director Zoe Zheng and her team. At the beginning, Mr. Joseph briefly shared his life experience and his work within China with UEI team. Then, Ms. Mary introduced Legacy International in respects of history, student resources, safety, curriculums, and some alumnus. After that, UEI Academic Director Mr. Eric introduced UEI courses, teaching goals, and the first 7 graduates to the guests. He also talked about those summer camps UEI had held. At the end, the guests appreciated UEI reception, and expressed that they hoped to work with UEI later.
