Crazy Reading Week
读万卷书 行万里路

古今中外,不少文人志士都推崇读书。在校园里,更是离不了读书。为庆祝阅读作为终身学习的一项技能, 美视PYP-E在11月23日到11月27日,举行了第一届轰轰烈烈的读书周活动。
At all times and all over the world, many scholars with lofty ideals have advocated reading. Reading is more than indispensable for school. To celebrate reading as one lifelong skill, Meishi-PYPE’s 1st Reading Week was in its full swing from Nov. 23rd to 27th.
Every morning, the sound of reading was heard in each homeroom from grade one to grade five. But it was not from our students or teachers, but the parents who came on campus to share their wisdom of life with the children. The parents read aloud with emotion, while the students listened with rapture. What a scene of love and harmony!
紧接着,老师们鼓励学生们去完成每日读书探究任务。这些任务每天都贴在一楼办公室外面,每天的任务都不一样:比如周一采访老师最喜欢的书籍名称,周二找出“谁去了霍格华兹学校?” 周三去了解三位你的同学或者朋友最喜欢的书; 周四回答谁写了“绿鸡蛋和火腿”,“红鱼,蓝鱼,一条鱼,两条鱼”和“戴帽子的猫”?同学们兴高采烈,也没人抱怨无聊,更没人抱怨麻烦。参与活动的同学为各自所在的联盟积分,为集体争光的想法让他们乐此不疲。
Then, the teachers encouraged students to complete various Book Trivia inquiries. The book trivia questions were posted outside the office every day, and they varied on a daily basis, such as interviewing the teachers about their favorite books on Monday; finding out‘Who goes to Hogwarts? ’on Tuesday; asking 3 classmates or friends about their favorite books on Wednesday and discovering who wrote the ‘The Green Eggs and Ham’, ‘Red Fish, Blue Fish, One Fish, Two Fish’ and ‘The cat in hat’? The students were happy and cheerful. They answered the questions to earn points for the house they represent, and this idea of honoring their team made them eager to complete the tasks.
Another excellent activity was the Gallery Walk-My Favorite Book Character. Proudly wearing an “I love reading” badge, students walked to appreciate each other’s posters on the corridor. Wow, the contents were different, and the forms were various. Some kids even put on their favorite book character costume! How dazzling!
Finally, on Friday morning, the Chinese Reading Aloud contest began. All the participants read the articles with full spirit, the most serious attitude and the most sincere feelings. Some of them lamented the time; some praised the motherland; some shared a beautiful scenery, and some pursued their dreams.
PYPE 学习社区重视家长作为我们社区成员的一份子,因此在阅读周期间也给家长提供了“家长身份下如何帮助培养孩子良好的读书习惯”的家长工作坊。在圆圈分享和讨论中,家长们获取了很多有益的阅读方法和小学生推荐书目。读书周结束了,所有参与活动的人都表示喜爱这周的活动并从中获益匪浅。IB崇尚终身学习的理念,我们衷心希望今年的阅读周虽然结束了,但热爱读书的习惯能扎根IB学子的心中。
As we value parents as members of our learning community, PYPE Reading Week also offered parent workshop about ‘how to nurture children's good reading habits in the role of parents’. From the circle discussion, parents received many positive suggestions and a recommended book list for primary students. At the end of the Reading Week, whoever participated agreed they had enjoyed it and benefited tremendously. IB advocates the concept of lifelong learning. We sincerely hope that although this year’s Reading Week was over, the love of reading will take root in the hearts of IB students.
文 | 谯经纬 姚婧秋