“Integrated PSP(E) Intercultural Week”
跨 文 化 周
一年一度的跨文化周,绝对是融合部小学英文班的挚爱了!孩子们先用探究的模式了解和学习各个国家的风土人情,然后通过艺术作品,舞蹈表演, 知识问答,班级展览等和别人分享。整个过程妙趣横生,收获满满!快来看看今年各个年级的孩子们学习和展示了哪些国家吧!
The annual Intercultural Week is definitely the love of the PSP English section! Through inquiry, our students first understand and learn the local cultures and customs of various countries, and then share with others through works of art, dance performances, knowledge Q & A, class exhibitions, etc. The whole process is full of fun and harvest! Let's take a look at the countries that each grade has learned and displayed this year!
G1 Germany

G2 Japan

G3 Egypt

G4 Brazil

G5 America

IB 倡导把孩子们培养成具有国际情怀的世界公民。文化周这种体验加分享的活动,无疑用一种生动有趣的方式拓宽了孩子们的国际视野,促进了十大目标中知识渊博,胸襟开阔和善于交流等的培养。
IB advocates cultivating children into global citizens with international mindedness. This experience and sharing activity of Intercultural Week undoubtedly broadens children's international vision in a vivid and interesting way and promotes the cultivation of being knowledgeable, open-minded and good at communication among the ten IB learner profiles.