在这一夏令营中,我们学到了很多东西。其中我记忆最深的就是:“Where there is a will,there is a way.”和人分享,团结努力是种子和汗水,而收获的却是友谊和知识。
I thought the Meishi-Yale English Summer Camp was very interesting. I enjoyed in this 12 days.If you want t improve your spoken English or in search of happiness.Then you can go to the English camp. I thought it was helpful for me. It was one of the most interesting things in my life.——Joe
非常感谢学校组织这次夏令营活动——Meishi-Yale Summer Camp。通过这次活动,我和其他同学一样,在与外教的交流中,学到了很多平时课本中无法学到的关于美国人的一些习惯和当地文化,最重要的是我们可爱的外 教让我消除了以往对英语的恐惧,现在,也慢慢习惯了英语,并可以大胆开口说,同时产生了对英语的兴趣。——李杰
12天,时间不长,但是我却学到了很多东西!学到了很多来自地球另一半的文化!最让我快乐的是我们排练话剧时,大家都在为小组出力。写剧本、做道具、练台 词、排练、彩排等都井然有序的进行着,道具是同学们自己亲手做的,舞台的布景更是花了我们不少心思呢!——谢诗雨
This summer camp is very interesting.I really had fun these days.Not only did I improve my spoken English, but I also got a very precious thing- friendship! This mad it a special and wonderful summer camp!——Tomy
Before this summer camp, I couldn’t speak English infront of foreigners. After this summer camp, I have the courage to speak.I think in the future it will be easier for me to improve my English.——侯颖